Our Beliefs

The mission of the South Carolina Family and Community Leaders is to improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities through fellowship, education, and service.

The motto of the South Carolina Family and Community Leaders is Dedication, Education and Service. (Oconee County FCL)

LOGO (designed by Mrs. Betty McGregor)

cropped-SCFCL-Logo.jpgThe CIRCLE OF ROPE represents the organization’s heritage. The individual strands that make up the rope represent people who, through the years, have worked together for a common goal thus creating a strong organization.

The TRIANGLE represents the three-fold motto of the organization: dedication, education, and service. It extends beyond the circle indicating that the organization reaches out beyond the family to the people of our communities, nation, and world.

The LETTERS (SCFCL) represent the name of the organization, South Carolina Family and Community Leaders.

The logo of the South Carolina Family and Community Leaders was registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on August 8, 2000. The registration shall remain in force for 10 years.

(Music to Onward, Christian Soldiers by Arthur S. Sullivan, Public Domain)
We’re FCL mem-bers, stri-ving in our clubs, To make life much bet-ter,
In our com-mun-ities, Service with ded-i-ca-tion, Join us as we serve,
Ed-u-ca-ting every one, With un-der-stand-ing, We are all together,
And one aim have we, To im-prove li-fe, In our Com-mun-ities.
(Marianne Chesnault, Beaufort County)

As South Carolina Family and Community Leaders, we strive to promote the quality of life for all citizens in our communities through dedication, education, and service. Fulfilling these endeavors with love, compassion, and understanding, we shall respect the rights and privileges of those we serve.
(Beaufort FCL Club)